Individual Career Advancement Plan

It's a strategic framework designed to support employees in transitioning from an Individual Contributor (IC) to a People Management / Handling position, thereby advancing along their career trajectory.



An Individual Career Advancement Plan (ICAP) for a Senior HR Specialist aiming to ascend to the role of HR Lead.
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An Individual Career Advancement Plan (ICAP) for a Senior Software Engineer aiming to ascend to the role of Lead Software Engineer.


The candidates should typically demonstrate a combination of relevant experience, specialized knowledge, and functional capabilities.

This may include:

  • High Potential/Performer Employee (consistent solid performance results, and competency assessments)
  • 1 yr performance cycle (solid, strong, or outstanding contributor)
  • Categorized under High Performance or High Potential categories of the 9 Box Talent Assessment Tool
  • Demonstrate the required skills & competencies of the current role
  • Demonstrate skills & competencies required for the new/target role

Contact Person

Connect with our contact persons for expert guidance on your program needs.

Thea Juego

Sr. L&OD Specialist


Lyn Pingul


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Are you ready

to take charge of your career?

The Individual Career Advancement Plan (ICAP) is the employee's roadmap to a fulfilling and successful future. Access more information you need to nominate a team member.


The guidelines can only be accessed by leads.

Frequently asked questions

Who is qualified for an ICAP?

  1. An employee transitioning from IC to people management role
  2. Minimum of 1.5 years tenure at level
  3. Minimum of solid contributor performance rating
  4. No competency gaps on the current role
  5. Availability of the new role within the organization

What if the employee does not meet the minimum tenure requirement?

Request for a deviation approval to your BU Head.

When can I trigger an ICAP enrollment?

You can endorse an ICAP during April and October Talent Review season.

To whom can I endorse an ICAP?

Discuss the ICAP plan to your L2 IS and/or BU Head. Once L2 IS and/or BU Head has been consulted, endorse it to your assigned RM.

What is the duration of the ICAP?

It depends on the potential gap of the employee. Usually a minimum of 1 year.

Can the initial duration be shortened or changed to a longer duration?

Yes, and that depends on the potential gaps of the employee and his/her progress but consider the timeline of the talent review (April and October).

How can I identify if an employee passed the ICAP?

Assess the employee's skills and competencies relevant to the new role. Also, assess his/her progress based on the success metrics set for his/her ICAP. 

If he/she is ready based on the relevant skills and competencies required for the new role, and if he/she has achieved all the success metrics set that indicates she passed the ICAP.

How can I proceed with the ICAP confirmation?

Fill out the ICAP Confirmation form. Conduct a post-assessment for the skills and competencies relevant to the new role. He/She must meet the target competency level. 

Provide actual achievement based on the success metrics set from the developmental activities section.

Any questions?

Reach out to us for learning and development needs.