Individual Development Plan

It's a strategic framework designed to support employees in transitioning to a new role (Individual Contributor role only) within an organization.



An Individual Development Plan (IDP) for a Junior Software Engineer Specialist aiming to ascend to the role of Mid Software Engineer.
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The candidates should typically demonstrate a combination of relevant experience, specialized knowledge, and functional capabilities.

This may include:

  • High Potential/Performer Employee (consistent solid performance results, competency assessment)
  • 1 yr performance cycle (solid, strong, or outstanding contributor)
  • Categorized under High Performance or High Potential categories of the 9 Box Talent Assessment Tool
  • Demonstrate required skills & competencies of the current role
  • Demonstrate skills & competencies required for the new/target role

Contact Person

Connect with our contact persons for expert guidance on your program needs.

Thea Juego

Sr. L&OD Specialist


Lyn Pingul


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Are you ready

to take charge of your career?

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is the employee's roadmap to a fulfilling and successful future. Access more information you need to nominate a team member.


The guidelines can only be accessed by leads.

Frequently asked questions

Who is qualified for an IDP?

  1. An employee with a minimum of 1.5 years tenure at Level 
  2. A minimum of solid contributor performance rating
  3. An employee without competency gaps on his/her current role

What if the employee does not meet the minimum tenure requirement?

Request for a deviation approval to your BU Head.

When can I trigger an IDP enrollment?

You can endorse an IDP during April and October Talent Review season.

To whom can I endorse an IDP?

Discuss the IDP plan to your L2 IS and/or BU Head. Once L2 IS and/or BU Head has been consulted, endorse it to your assigned RM.

What is the duration of the IDP?

It depends on the potential gap of the employee. Usually, a minimum of 6 months.

Can the initial duration be shortened or changed to a longer duration?

Yes, and that depends on the potential gaps of the employee and his/her progress but consider the timeline of the talent review (April and October).

How can I identify if an employee passed the IDP?

Assess the employee's skills and competencies relevant to the new role. Also, assess his/her progress based on the success metrics set for his/her IDP. 

If he/she is ready based on the relevant skills and competencies required for the new role, and if he/she has achieved all the success metrics set that indicates she passed the IDP.

How can I proceed with the IDP confirmation?

Fill out the IDP Confirmation form. Conduct a post-assessment for the skills and competencies relevant for the new role. 

He/She must meet the target competency level. Provide actual achievement based on the success metrics set from the developmental activities section

An employee wants to shift his/her career (e.g Sr. Software Engineer to Scrum Master) is it possible to enroll in an IDP?

For cross-domain movement, you may consult your RM. 

Any questions?

Reach out to us for learning and development needs.