Individual Performance Enhancement Plan

It's also known as the performance improvement or action plan, is a way to proactively address employees’ performance gaps or behavior-related concerns.  

How can I identify if an employee is for IPEP?

When should the IS consider issuing/subjecting an EE in IPEP?
  • Consistent/recurring performance issues. 

  • If an employee consistently fails to meet performance expectations of their role or the standards set by the organization despite consistent performance feedback and support (i.e coaching, training).
  • Missed Deadlines and/or Work Quality Issues.

  • Employees who frequently miss deadlines or produce work of subpar quality may require intervention to address underlying issues affecting their performance.

Contact Person

Connect with our contact persons for expert guidance on your program needs.

Thea Juego

Sr. L&OD Specialist


Lyn Pingul


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Do you need a

 performance boost?

The Individual Performance Enhancement Plan (IPEP) is a collaborative tool designed to help you improve your team member's performance and achieve career goals. Access more information about the IPEP guidelines.


The guidelines can only be accessed by leads.

Frequently asked questions

How many IPEP enrollments are allowed for an employee?

An employee is allowed only one IPEP enrollment at a time. The duration of the IPEP enrolled determines the maximum period, which is capped at 6 months.

To whom can I endorse an IPEP?

Endorse it to your assigned RM to review the recommendation.

Can the initial duration be shortened or changed to a longer duration?

Yes, depending on the progress of the employee.

When can I trigger an IPEP?

An IPEP can be initiated by an IS at any time, without regard to specific periods or timelines.

The employee didn’t pass the IPEP, what’s next?

The course of action depends on the specific areas in which the employee failed during their IPEP and the significance of those failures. If the employee has undergone IPEP only once and failed to meet a few success metrics with minimal weight, an extension of the IPEP may be encouraged.

However, if despite consistent feedback and support (e.g., coaching and training), the employee still fails to make significant progress and meet most of the set goals, termination may become a subject for discussion.

Any questions?

Reach out to us for learning and development needs.