Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement is a comprehensive program that aims to equip Yondu's Enterprise Solutions Group with the necessary tools, knowledge, and strategies to drive successful sales outcomes in the intricate realm of technology solutions. 

This covers the end-to-end learning enablement for new hire and incumbent business development professionals of the organization which includes product and services training, industry and account familiarization, CRM tool mastery, mock presentation, joint fieldwork, and strategic learning recommendation. 



Enterprise Solutions Group



Program Benefits

Product and Services Knowledge Enhancement
Strategic Sales Training
Sales Coaching and Mentoring
Sales Enablement Technology
Customer Engagement Strategies
Continuous Learning and Development

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Program Champion

Connect with our L&OD Program Champions for expert guidance on your program needs.

Thea Juego

Sr. L&OD Specialist

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.


See the impact of our program through these inspiring photos.

Frequently asked questions

How do I enroll in the Sales Enablement Program?

If you are a new hire, after your new employee onboarding program, your immediate supervisor will introduce you to the program champion. The program champion will add you in the official Sales Enablement workplace group and will reach out to you personally for succeeding activities.

Can employees from other business units enroll in Sales Enablement?

For now, we exclusively offer this program to Yondu's business development teams (ESG Clusters 1-3, & OP Cluster 4).

Is this program mandatory for all Business Development teams?

Yes. As part of your overall employee performance, Sales Enablement is embedded in your People Objectives which constitute 10-20% of your KRAs and KPIs. 

Any questions?

Reach out to us for learning and development needs.