Non-Tech Enablement

Non-Tech Enablement is a comprehensive program designed to equip Yondu's non-technical business units (HR, ESG, Finance, TAG, OP) with the essential knowledge that is required to successfully meet the expectations that are defined within their respective job roles. 

This program encompasses a holistic approach, integrating various crucial learning facets for non-technical professionals to thrive in a tech-driven environment.  



Non-tech BUs
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Program Benefits

Functional Competency-based Learning
ROI-driven Learning Investments
Feedback-focused Interventions
Learning and Knowledge Transfer
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Program Champion

Connect with our L&OD Program Champions for expert guidance on your program needs.

Thea Juego

 Sr. L&OD Specialist


Our Enablement Programs for Non-Tech

Discover essential dedicated programs for non-technical employees

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement helps Yondu's sales team succeed by providing training on products, customers, and sales skills.

Functional Learning for Non-Tech BUs

Developing Functional Capabilities for Business Success.

Any questions?

Reach out to us for learning and development needs.